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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

A purposefully-desolate corner of 7chan.
Tell us the thoughts that destroy you when you dwell on them long enough.
Show us what killed your faith in humanity.
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Talk about your failures in life Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/25(Tue)09:19 No. 6374 ID: 30b50c [Reply]

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failure after failure after failure after failure. I'm a loser to the eyes of most people and I wanted to be successful, I told people I would be successful, they thought I would be successful, but then they saw me fail and fail again, until I'm nothing but a poor loser no one likes.

I'm haunted by my failures. I am forever hateful of myself, forever ashamed. I feel inferior. Bad, evil, people I hate so much are succeeding more than me. Who's laughing now? Them. I'm ruined. The suffering is so intense and it never stops. Constant suffering. I don't understand why I'm still alive.

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Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/23(Thu)09:25 No. 6441 ID: 72d4d3

"Friends" is not the right word. Friends don't help you do jack shit. Friends are for hanging out, drinking beer and smoking weed, and patting you on the back saying "it's not your fault, they just don't understand your value" when you get fired. They won't criticize you when you're doing things wrong, won't tell you the truth, won't pick at your faults, and certainly won't help you get a leg-up in business at that job they DON'T have. Believe me, almost nobody wants to have a friend who will do those things, because they'll just get angry and you won't have any friends anymore.

I have friends who are perpetual failures in their line of work, and I know EXACTLY why they are failing, just from simple observation and comparing them and others who are successful. But I will never tell them, because they will say I am wrong and will cut me out of their life. Probably, they will say I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't do what they do. But that's what I mean, because friendship requires trust and affection, but NOT RESPECT. What they need is someone who they respect in their same industry who will tell them what I told them; then maybe they will take action.

What he really meant was a network. Business partners, co-workers, acquaintances in your industry of choice. There is a measure of mutual trust and respect between you, but you are not friends. The difference is they will not coddle you; they don't give a fuck about your feelings; they will not hesitate to tell you exactly why you're a fuck-up and the reason you got fired from your last job is because you fucked up in X, Y, and Z ways. Then they will tell you about how to get your foot in the door of a new business opportunity, with the unspoken agreement that when they need help, you will do the same.

Simply being told "you can do it!" doesn't help anything. People can do that to themselves; if they didn't self-motivate to some degree and tell themselves "I can do it!" they wouldn't even get out of bed.

Friends are like junk food; it feels good to eat, but it's not going to make your body any better. A network is like broccoli; tastes bad but it's what you need to be healthy.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)21:02 No. 6733 ID: 182caf

>stop doing things for looks
>always hide yourself
>specially whenever you may triumph at whatever

Chasing desires = dukkha

Edgar Anon Poe 22/02/21(Mon)07:07 No. 6748 ID: 212ae6

Op here. It has been a while since the last time I visited this place. I am still a failure, nothing has changed.

Edgar Anon Poe 18/02/24(Sat)17:28 No. 5720 ID: 5c16e9 [Reply]

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So /grim/ where can i find a gf who would be willing to participate in a suicide pact with me in a couple years? Where i live theyre all dumb hypergamous consumerism worshiping bulimic/fat basic bitches. After completing my bucket list i will proceed to an hero. Times running out ya know.

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Edgar Anon Poe 21/11/02(Tue)07:44 No. 6699 ID: 409408


There is nothing wrong with hypergamy. It is Nature working as intended.

suicde pact spencer 21/12/12(Sun)23:49 No. 6712 ID: 41a16d

i will do it with you. beign dead ass there is nothing to live for anymore. Add my skype spencer hardy or schardy4300 if your still out there

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/12(Wed)12:29 No. 6716 ID: 5f37af

OP, may I recommend the podcast series about Lindsay Souvannarath and the Halifax Shopping Center Shooting Plot?


No, I'm not advocating national socialism, mass murder nor suicide pacts. No, I'm not saying that she "can't" be a national socialist. Yes, I'm quite happy that they spent more time on coordinating their clothes than get actual weapons and ammo. Especially ammo.

My point is that they both probably would've been better off if the acutally did the needful.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/02/23(Tue)22:22 No. 6613 ID: 6ee382 [Reply]

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Depeche Mode was right: God sure does have a sick sense of humor, huh?

SADB0Y_02998381783727273627282618383782877738762782783862837 21/02/24(Wed)00:59 No. 6614 ID: 570f8d

Thats a miserable life.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/03/10(Wed)21:34 No. 6618 ID: 58e989 [Reply]

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General Screwball Mentalist Edgar Anon Poe 21/03/16(Tue)23:51 No. 6619 ID: 58e989

Show I was just like really trying to get out of must-neeeds-work. I want everyone to be their own Minister Small business Operator. I'm a BSA Freelance humorist. Cool Genius Sentimentalist.... Assemble Surrealistically, we've got an emergency!

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/05(Thu)07:45 No. 6281 ID: 6c6ba6 [Reply]

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I like putting my fleshlight in the freezer for a couple nights at a time

feels just like a dead girl

i suggest any necbros give it a try

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/12(Thu)06:17 No. 6297 ID: eff71a

Dead things aren't colder than room temperature. Why the fuck would they be?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/15(Sun)23:41 No. 6302 ID: 6c6ba6

maybe its from the concrete? its always colder downstairs

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/28(Sat)17:15 No. 6322 ID: 07df59

You're right, they wouldn't actually be colder than room temperature, bu keep in mind that is significantly colder than a living body.
Also, they may feel colder, the same way a piece of metal at room temperature does: by conducting heat away from the point of contact (although human bodies are not great conductors).

Misery Sadness 17/07/13(Thu)08:49 No. 5454 ID: f7cf99 [Reply]

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I'm a pretty depressing person, I think this board fits my deepest saddest thoughts ever.

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Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/31(Tue)03:22 No. 6328 ID: 602775

That is exactly it, though.
People just can't accept this shit. That's why every one tries to invent meaning and god and whatever else. they can't accept that it's all just pointless and meaningless.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/01/03(Fri)05:22 No. 6330 ID: 047ffe

Well, thank god we're worthy of someone of such high esteem as yourself, my Lord.

I wish it was still acceptable to have people like you banned.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/01/11(Sat)18:26 No. 6340 ID: 602775

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Some faggot from half chan isn't worth getting worked up about and certainly not worthy of a ban from 7chan.

Everything is on a forward trajectory to annihilation.
People like this are pointless. Embrace the void.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/11/24(Sun)16:12 No. 6272 ID: 64799f [Reply]

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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak

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Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/28(Sat)17:29 No. 6323 ID: 07df59

There's no gym where you can go to work out your personality and get mentally swole, you know.

No, compassion is a strength. Naivete is why you feel weak. You have invested your compassion unwisely.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/01/22(Wed)16:32 No. 6349 ID: 8990a7

then how do I wise up?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/30(Thu)17:28 No. 6449 ID: e89cd0

Experience, pain, failure, and occasionally success.

A bit of advice, just be more of an asshole.

It's easier than you think; worked wonders for me.

You can still have compassion and be an asshole some of the time.

Goodbye. Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/22(Sat)17:46 No. 6371 ID: 11bdc6 [Reply]

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It's been a while. I miss you. This was all my fault. I'm so sorry. For everything. They told me things would get better. That I'm worth it. But they were lying.

You probably won't care. I don't expect you to. I was an asshole, and I'm going to get what I deserve. Please, don't try to talk me out of this. You know you want it. I never wanted to die alone, but I guess I deserve this. I never got the chance to tell you how much I love you.

Goodnight, R. Goodbye.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/03/09(Mon)15:08 No. 6378 ID: 694377

R.I.P buddy

Sad music thread Edgar Anon Poe 20/06/19(Fri)19:17 No. 6487 ID: 191191 [Reply]

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What the tunes you listen to /grim/? Is there a back story to why they are your favourite depressing songs? Post them ITT.


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Edgar Anon Poe 20/08/23(Sun)09:59 No. 6505 ID: 08fa63



Edgar Anon Poe 20/08/31(Mon)22:23 No. 6514 ID: 291786


Micheal Gira singing about his mom after she passed. It just reminds me how much I love my grandma and how I'm going to be torn to pieces without her

Edgar Anon Poe 20/09/17(Thu)12:06 No. 6529 ID: 8c2966


Pop tatari, pretty stimulating makes me feel something

Mr Nobody 21/02/09(Tue)02:47 No. 6608 ID: 390937 [Reply]

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Did anyone lurk in the /grim/ board on lainchan?
I just found out it got deleted and now i cant find the song that played on the background of that board ;_; anyone know what i'm talking about?

Edgar Anon Poe 21/04/08(Thu)01:40 No. 6625 ID: b5b9ab

Make a vocaro of the song.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/04/10(Sat)23:41 No. 6627 ID: 8d01db

7chan is the only chan i visit, ever. how sad is that?

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