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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

A purposefully-desolate corner of 7chan.
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Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/07(Thu)06:46 No. 6456 ID: 8bf6d2 [Reply]

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How many things in the future are you looking forward to?

The only thing giving me hope is living in a older-folks condo and having a bonfire on a regular basis as part of the complex's social events.

Does a such thing even exist? Or am I doomed for a life of disappointment?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/08(Fri)10:21 No. 6458 ID: 86ec01

I only hope for total human extinction, and that I'll be lucky enough to be around to see it happen (or at least start to happen).

Oh, and I highly doubt that there is any such thing as a housing complex of any variety that allows bonfires. Condos tend to be very crowded and therefore very flammable. Bonfires are usually build in large open areas on sand, like a beach or a desert.

If you like fire, why wait until you're old? Go make bonfires right now while you're still strong enough to lift the logs.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/09(Sat)05:21 No. 6467 ID: 8bf6d2

I live in a condo complex now which doesn't have space let alone allow for them. :(

I could move to a house and start my own (and hopefully have neighbours join) but that likely won't happen since I'm not a social person. The reason I've specified condo conplex is because it unites a group of people where any individual can be a "third wheel" of the group yet still be welcomed and accepted there without being a waste of circumference space. Usually older-folks condos have spoiled their residents with events and other such things (being a mailman I've seen first-hand the treatment they get. It's amazing.) So I figured it was more likely they would have that event over your regular condo complex but if such a thing exists for condos for all ages then sign me up!

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)20:37 No. 6730 ID: 182caf

Hope for what? You sound as if you just had to abandon such society a long time ago.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/21(Thu)14:01 No. 6776 ID: d60e6c [Reply]

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/29(Wed)23:47 No. 6814 ID: 978d8b


Cry about it


Massive boomer cope.
>Nazi poltard also

Some how not surprised. Your time is over old man.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/05(Tue)05:16 No. 6815 ID: 8cabfa


>Your time is over old man.

Now if only the millennials' time would be over too. Send the original Me Generation and the diet equivalent back to Hell from whence they came and let's rebuild society already.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/15(Fri)17:46 No. 6831 ID: 5790cc

>Heh, if it were up to me, every single imageboard would be wiped off the face of the internet.

But it isn't up to you so stfu

Edgar Anon Poe 18/01/12(Fri)01:21 No. 5670 ID: fa0745 [Reply]

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that face when i will never be a true female
i will always be an imitation, a fake, an impostor

every morning i look in the mirror and feel wrong

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/22(Fri)01:15 No. 6834 ID: 272320

Can't tekk if you mean me or the guy I replied to. Hopefully the later cause yeah, I know right?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/22(Fri)02:11 No. 6835 ID: be9b39

The guy you responded to.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/26(Tue)18:57 No. 6836 ID: 272320

Yeah, lol. That's what I thought

1 1 22/08/21(Sun)23:09 No. 6839 ID: 497ab6 [Reply]

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Shaman 22/10/01(Sat)19:01 No. 6867 ID: 7eed0e [Reply]

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Hello, tell me something

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/01(Sat)23:23 No. 6868 ID: 4b8b8e

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/02(Sun)01:16 No. 6869 ID: dd09ae

This but unironically reddit. Don't get to have fun on shitchan because reddit mods.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/02(Sun)18:57 No. 6870 ID: 2fab02


I NEED DRUGS Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/29(Fri)23:47 No. 6837 ID: 838b0b [Reply]

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/08/01(Mon)03:17 No. 6838 ID: d427d3

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When we were tyoung the future looked so good and now, after a life time of regrets and suffering, I see the truth. Life is pain and suffering.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/07(Fri)14:35 No. 6873 ID: f216de

i wish i could forget it all. he still lives in my mind after all this time. how many years will it take for me to fully repress these memories?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/07(Fri)18:21 No. 6874 ID: a6e5fb

In the words of Big Black:


Remember: Edgar Anon Poe 19/10/07(Mon)07:20 No. 6209 ID: 94cc22 [Reply]

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You will die.

You are not forgiven. You will find your end, regardless.

Your pain will end.
The world will end.
The universe will end.

It will be an absolute end. There will never be anything after it. No rebirth, no potential for life to occur again.

It will take longer than you expect.
It will be a lot quicker than you think.

Not a single thing in your life has mattered, not even the few moments you hold close. Nothing you may ever do will matter.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/22(Fri)16:39 No. 6783 ID: 520a37

Thi sonly makes our lives more meaningless because time is just another dimension being played out.oru lives are determined for us according the general relativity.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/16(Sun)21:19 No. 6884 ID: 6bfa5a

Oh thank fuck, everybody else was telling me I would have to do this shit forever.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/17(Mon)15:21 No. 6887 ID: 049bc8

Rich people and corporate overlords are some of the most long term-minded people there are. The courts had to go out of their way to stop them from establishing wills that would set rules for their property hundreds of years in the future. They wouldn't sell out their children's future (and also their own later in life) just for a quick buck now, they're already rich.

Yes, the environment takes a good beating from humans. No, we are not in any respect 'killing' it, or even our own future with it. I see the claim that we are is a form of wishful thinking that something interesting and earth-shaking is going to happen, akin to what got so many people instantly believing covid was actually dangerous when it clearly was just another flu.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/02(Wed)06:32 No. 6892 ID: 759357 [Reply]

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All I can do is cry, these days

Edgar Anon Poe 18/05/04(Fri)18:36 No. 5791 ID: ee3ced [Reply]

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No friends or anyone. What do you personally do to cope?

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)19:43 No. 6722 ID: 182caf

Why does such a thing to be a misfortune? What a poor mindset.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/10/08(Sat)07:58 No. 6875 ID: 67b693

https://my mother's fax machine.gg/7C2GwSE

hiki neet sui sh

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/19(Sat)03:37 No. 6903 ID: feac70

I have fantasy friends in my head, and we live in a fantasy town, but my fantasy girlfriend broke up with me, so I've been having a fantasy hard time.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/30(Wed)00:49 No. 6913 ID: 9b5239 [Reply]

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This is Tim Grim.
He lives in Grimsville.
He has no friends or family.
He is unemployed.
What should he do?
a. nothing
b. asses his situation
c. kill himself

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/30(Wed)18:33 No. 6917 ID: 698e6f

it's a game, you can only pick one.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/04(Sun)10:10 No. 6918 ID: bf7f14


Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/04(Sun)22:01 No. 6919 ID: d0d502

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game over.
you got the bad ending.

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