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Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)19:30 No. 25465 [Reply]

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Man, I feel like anyone complaining about porn being bad knows more about porn than porn addicts.
Even I feel like one of those.
Also, porn Artists have no Balls of drawing breastfeeding.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)21:44 No. 25466

Well, if you are researching why said thing is bad or good you're bound to learn more about it than those who mindlessly consume it.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/14(Sat)06:15 No. 25473

Draw erotica based on breastfeeding? Those are kids, man. And a grown dude sucking tit isn't that interesting to be honest.

darkness nigga Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/11(Sun)21:44 No. 25421 [Reply]

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>be sad cunt
>get drunk off popov because neet loser faggot
>being drunk makes the pain of existence bearable but still friendless loser who only has a handful of my mother's fax machine acquaintances as contact with outside world
>even these people are talking to me/online less and less

worst part

>live in houston texas

You know those 19th century russian authors who wrote about how bleak life was in the motherland? I'm thinking of doing that but for being a failson from houston

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/12(Mon)01:32 No. 25422

/rnb/ content.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)14:52 No. 25431

Just quit drinking

Seriously it will help, I felt loads better

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)11:15 No. 25429 [Reply]

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Ai art is cool, but it can't draw POSTAL Dude nor Calypso from Twisted Metal.
Plus, sites dedicated to ai art might datamine your ass.
The funniest thing is that AI art is not allowed to draw a flesh

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/28(Fri)17:19 No. 25357 [Reply]

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I don't think Elon Musk allowing "muh free speech" will allow more free speech in that bird site. You can tell it by his collaborations with China. Someone told me they decided to write something like : "Even people who complain about n***rs can have more n***rish behavior." because some guy wrote that n-word for him wouldn't be a slur because you have blacks who hate niggers aka barbarians and the guy who responded to that probably took it out of context and wrote something like "since you have an idea that word could be used not as a slur, but as an another word for barbarians and uncontrolable punk cunts, that's how i referred that word as.
also, i got remembered of how bubs use softer version as an alternative for word homie."
Well, that someone should have known better.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/08(Thu)15:57 No. 25419

Some people would tell me this is all a character act (the character being 'depressed loser who desperately clings to empty memes and political notions to somehow feel superior to others') but I doubt that, there just isn't much of an audience here. If you wanted to do that, you would do it somewhere else. This is more or less sincere.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/09(Fri)00:58 No. 25420

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/14(Wed)03:41 No. 25424

What makes you think I care about the imaginary people in your head?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/04(Sun)12:36 No. 25408 [Reply]

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Those Wojak videos are boring. They feel like they are trying to be like Bojack Horseman but with whitepill and Hollywood psyops.
I liked those boomer vs zoomer videos because they had a Tiny bit of fun.

i can BAWWW here??? for free? no conditionnnn?!?!? Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/21(Mon)03:32 No. 24450 [Reply]

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im trying to be concept artist, animators, 3d artist... whats good practice? theyre all entertainment/art shamalamadingdong,. so i assume some still lifes? trying to put on a big gallery of portofolios like the pros? hubdreds of pages i guess...? what should i fill it with?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/21(Mon)06:00 No. 24451

>>24450 ah this thred is now slow...

Angsty Teen Girl 22/11/29(Tue)11:41 No. 25403


Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/01(Thu)09:19 No. 25407


Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/25(Sun)18:14 No. 25285 [Reply]

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Fuck Brit Fags
And Fuck /b/
As they seem to be one and the same

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/11/11(Fri)09:30 No. 25379

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/11/11(Fri)12:35 No. 25380

>The new york jets


Angsty Teen Girl 22/11/11(Fri)20:05 No. 25387


Well yeah Jets vs Giants
So I changed their names and pics
That not what the problem is
Some, I'm guessing ttrrooolll posing as a trans-whatever. Trying to include Carrot$ in their alpabet soup.
They aren't even a Carrot$.
These gosh darn Marxist are so fascist now.
If wasn't for the coloured hair, I doubt I could tell them apart.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/20(Wed)04:05 No. 25136 [Reply]

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I was just reading up on "crimes against nature", which by definition is essentially sodomy.

I'm so sorry for being gay. I understand how much of a pain in the ass (no pun intended) we are, and we are in the literal sense crimes against nature. This is not what nature intended and here I am wanting to put my pecker in a place where they shit.

All I ask for is your forgiveness, and hopefully one day we can find out the cause of this disease and eradicate it once and for all.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/26(Tue)04:20 No. 25158

Yes dear. Sorry dear.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/26(Tue)17:25 No. 25160


Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/28(Fri)02:45 No. 25356

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/24(Mon)10:36 No. 25345 [Reply]

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I do not find pornography any amusing, even if the plot is good.
Most of the time, I feel like I want to vomit or I look at horror everytime I see nudes or people fucking each other.
You can make the most man made horror beyond my comprehension type and it still wouldn't change my mind.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/25(Tue)23:39 No. 25350

Apparently OP

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/26(Wed)09:26 No. 25351

There are because of stuff Like Gachimuchi.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/27(Thu)03:31 No. 25352

Back in the 90s, my friend had a black box. If we got bored, we would put the Spice channel on and laugh at the terrible acting. Even one of our running gags is related to a porno we saw back then.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/29(Wed)15:01 No. 24870 [Reply]

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One of the biggest bourgeois things that has plagued the modern (or rather POST-Modern) world is dog culture.

No other animal on earth gets more blind support for merely existing than dogs.
Cats are beloved too, but they're subject to disdain. In fact, cats are the only beings, after children in which comical abuse towards in fiction is allowed.

Misopedia is a very popular sentiment in the west, especially America and UK.
Yet, dogs are just like children: loud, messy, stinky.

But even worse: they shed, eat garbage and bodily waste, and may chase after anything that moves.

But yet, these antics of the dogs are worshipped as cute by humans.
Yet, if kids acted like that, people would consider that as "lack of discipline".

But that's not all.
While dogs are chaotic , they are the biggest victims of dog culture.
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Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/29(Thu)13:37 No. 25294

Was he represented by Saul Goodman?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/29(Thu)21:43 No. 25295

hehe this was before breaking bad. That would be a sketchy thing to go pro se with because of the cost of an appeal. I don't really remember but I know he knows enough people to have gotten either some really good advice or some pro bono work.

Whatever it was he got lucky for sure. They were out to brankrupt him. He's a pretty good thinker, though. Went on to often write the big middle piece for the International Forecaster.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/30(Fri)23:15 No. 25298

Breaking Silver.
The parodic sequel to Breaking Bad

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