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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Rules & Requests Closet Homosexual ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:18 No. 60866 ID: e04fb8 Stickied

File 131912031544.jpg - (8.19KB , 259x194 , She's actually a guy.jpg )

After a bit of toying with the system, we feel like we've come to a point where everything is where it should be, but just so it's clarified:

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

2) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

3) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed. Reverse Traps are allowed.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Cross-dressers go to /cd/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

Update: 5) All video download links should be posted in the video links sticky. Having 4 separate threads for downloads is a waste.

fatbuttmatt 16/03/26(Sat)03:27 No. 103859 ID: 8c3a1e

Adi Lockheart

Closet Homosexual 16/03/30(Wed)11:18 No. 103936 ID: 59d147

File 145932952931.webm - (2.18MB , 670x400 , FUP1tyK.webm )

God please sauce me

Closet Homosexual 16/03/30(Wed)23:11 No. 103940 ID: 3ff893


If it's the same girl I think I remember seeing a webcam session cap of hers, can't recall where/what it was called, ironically. I think this is her fb



Gonna have to agree on that sentiment though, any sauce for that video?

Closet Homosexual 16/03/31(Thu)01:25 No. 103942 ID: 3ff893


Found the video I was talking about. They might be different people now that I can make a comparison, but sauce for the posted gif will still be appreciated

Closet Homosexual 16/04/01(Fri)00:17 No. 103953 ID: aee2e5


Closet Homosexual 16/04/01(Fri)00:23 No. 103954 ID: aee2e5


Closet Homosexual 16/04/06(Wed)04:43 No. 103982 ID: 4cf898

File 145991063027.jpg - (147.88KB , 1400x1050 , 1459893147570-0.jpg )

Who is this, also, any sources? I've seen her on another set with a Trump MAGA hat.

fatbuttmatt 16/04/06(Wed)07:04 No. 103985 ID: 8c3a1e

That is Maddie from Warmfreshpaint on chatubate

Closet Homosexual 16/04/10(Sun)19:17 No. 104052 ID: 707fcf

Any luck on this one yet?


fatbuttmatt 16/04/14(Thu)03:47 No. 104073 ID: 8c3a1e

No. 104052

Closet Homosexual 16/04/16(Sat)01:14 No. 104081 ID: f5d0c6

Cute teen trap

anyone know who this is? Closet Homosexual 16/04/16(Sat)08:49 No. 104084 ID: fb9ef6

Anyone know who this is? Took these screenshots from a random giphy

Closet Homosexual 16/04/16(Sat)09:30 No. 104085 ID: fb9ef6

Nadia Alexandra

Closet Homosexual 16/04/16(Sat)13:27 No. 104092 ID: 5ab3ce

Got any links? Can't find anything by searching name w/ and w/o pictures.

Closet Homosexual 16/04/20(Wed)00:28 No. 104109 ID: 13c128

Anyone have the full scene of this or know the model?


Who are there? SerenaCaldari 16/04/20(Wed)19:34 No. 104119 ID: 299420

I don't know is this site is still used, but pls help me. Help me to find how is the blond shemale in photoes, than the brunette one and last the shemale in the link:

Closet Homosexual 16/04/24(Sun)09:09 No. 104145 ID: a41bb3

File 146148174233.gif - (1.79MB , 400x264 , tumblr_nt97xtqy8Q1ubg5llo1_400.gif )

Anyone recognize the tranny in the front getting fucked? or the movie this is from?

CDRebecca 16/04/27(Wed)04:47 No. 104165 ID: 0deed6


Anybody know her name or have any other videos? I've only ever found a couple of pictures :/

Closet Homosexual 16/05/02(Mon)19:01 No. 104252 ID: c94633

2nd, been looking for more of this for a long time.

about Edwardgob 16/05/07(Sat)03:08 No. 104289 ID: f917f6

Closet Homosexual 16/05/09(Mon)13:03 No. 104303 ID: b6f38f

File 146279179466.png - (472.28KB , 428x513 , Capture.png )

can anyone id this video?


Closet Homosexual 16/05/11(Wed)07:12 No. 104316 ID: f5c2cc

Anyone got a link to more of her stuff? Lyra and reverse image search only bring up ponyshit and here respectively.

Anyone Have Any Vids of Her? Closet Homosexual 16/05/18(Wed)05:15 No. 104367 ID: 657e09


yoo yooo 16/05/18(Wed)10:07 No. 104369 ID: e09b11


Closet Homosexual 16/05/22(Sun)09:31 No. 104383 ID: fffaca

Anybody know who this femboy is?


Closet Homosexual 16/05/26(Thu)01:51 No. 104403 ID: 8a6e47

Anybody knows where I can get a full video of this?

Closet Homosexual 16/05/29(Sun)07:32 No. 104417 ID: 958261

Think she goes by shadesofblue

Fatbuttnat 16/05/30(Mon)05:49 No. 104423 ID: 241604

Yes it is chaturbate com/shadesofblue/ she has not been on in 3 weeks

Closet Homosexual 16/06/01(Wed)09:29 No. 104453 ID: 45cbc9

File 14647661417.webm - (2.43MB , 320x698 , 1464755618848.webm )

Does anybody know who this babe is? Need anything more of her, please.

Closet Homosexual 16/06/01(Wed)13:00 No. 104455 ID: b946d6

eduarda rodrigues

easy to find plenty of her stuff

Honest+Faggot 16/06/03(Fri)04:05 No. 104465 ID: 7efd40

So there can be a dumb caption thread but we can't have one for traps who top?

boipssy 16/06/03(Fri)14:24 No. 104468 ID: f6e5a9

could you gimmie the link to the original vid which you got the screenshot from?

Closet Homosexual 16/06/09(Thu)03:19 No. 104492 ID: 7a2b5b

File 146543514852.jpg - (204.99KB , 1024x1024 , ttttttt.jpg )

who is this???

Closet Homosexual 16/06/13(Mon)08:52 No. 104508 ID: 2c16ec

you must be joking.

Closet Homosexual 16/06/13(Mon)19:36 No. 104510 ID: d98f9a

Anyone know anything about?


Who? Closet Homosexual 16/06/16(Thu)02:16 No. 104515 ID: c8577a

Who is this babe?


Closet Homosexual 16/06/16(Thu)09:06 No. 104517 ID: fcad0e

Anyone have the series of webm of a trap cumming hands free from a dildo with captions saying how it's not gay?

Closet Homosexual 16/06/18(Sat)22:14 No. 104525 ID: 5b485c

File 146628086524.gif - (4.45MB , 450x342 , chaturbate_tgirl.gif )

Does anyone know who this is?

Closet Homosexual 16/06/24(Fri)12:46 No. 104571 ID: 3aba50

NewIvy on CB, she has a fun room

Closet Homosexual 16/06/29(Wed)10:28 No. 104611 ID: 21a990

Anyone know who this is? http://xhamster.com/movies/5840457/big_cock_mini_dress.html

Closet Homosexual 16/06/30(Thu)16:59 No. 104612 ID: d98f9a

Holy shit who is this? Can anyone help?


Closet Homosexual 16/07/03(Sun)04:46 No. 104619 ID: 113d77


Paula Melo

source? Closet Homosexual 16/07/03(Sun)13:04 No. 104621 ID: a45075

File 146754385189.gif - (1.49MB , 225x168 , DE7MpyV.gif )

sorry if dupe

Closet Homosexual 16/07/19(Tue)07:25 No. 104694 ID: 5acbc5

You can use flashgot or other video downloaders to download the full videoclip once the preview starts.

Closet Homosexual 16/07/23(Sat)19:06 No. 104725 ID: 2e138f


Closet Homosexual 16/07/28(Thu)16:34 No. 104759 ID: d98f9a


Anyone know who this is?? Been years on this one too.

HD Version? Closet Homosexual 16/07/30(Sat)04:16 No. 104770 ID: 766395

File 146984498320.jpg - (2.66KB , 125x100 , 1446887337233s.jpg )

Can someone post a HD version of this pic? Pretty sure it is lolatrap, but can't find it.

Closet Homosexual 16/08/03(Wed)19:19 No. 104788 ID: 2c76e3

Hey look who I found more of!


Closet Homosexual 16/08/06(Sat)17:37 No. 104799 ID: c66d30

File 14704978274.jpg - (63.01KB , 853x484 , Untitled.jpg )

who is this?

I only have a short non-nude video

thx in advance

Closet Homosexual 16/08/15(Mon)01:38 No. 104829 ID: 296907

That's Kalindra-chan.

Closet Homosexual 16/08/17(Wed)20:28 No. 104847 ID: 9d271e

File 147145849712.png - (0.95MB , 640x1136 , image.png )

hi add me on snapchat and skype : katealowee
(for crossdresser and girl no men please

Ryo/Ryoko/Magitrap Closet Homosexual 16/08/24(Wed)14:49 No. 104882 ID: 3b4b4a


Anyone have a collection of her pics? Had one long ago but sadly lost it.

Closet Homosexual 16/08/24(Wed)16:42 No. 104884 ID: b430d1

File 147204973361.jpg - (76.40KB , 640x599 , hhhhhhng.jpg )


Closet Homosexual 16/08/28(Sun)11:49 No. 104912 ID: 24a948

File 147237779416.webm - (3.55MB , 640x480 , SardonicCarefulCalf.webm )

anyone have lovebird94 videos?
theres a 4 minute out there, and some cam recording sites have full streams but are gated behind paying or watching 30 seconds a day.

Closet Homosexual 16/08/28(Sun)18:37 No. 104916 ID: f9a775

is the same trap/cd, her tumblr is thetrannykatemoss

only found this vid: http://www.mediafire.com/download/u320sb79n8n0szt/ttkm.flv

Closet Homosexual 16/08/31(Wed)05:39 No. 104954 ID: 3e2031

File 147261479594.jpg - (65.62KB , 651x720 , 1407432253089.jpg )

anyone know who this is?

ID please Closet Homosexual 16/09/06(Tue)17:05 No. 104987 ID: 91032b

could anybody ID either of these 2 beauties please



i think they are chaturbate models but i cannot find anything on them


Closet Homosexual 16/09/08(Thu)16:07 No. 104993 ID: b4c674

Second one is https://chaturbate.com/kellynicolexoxo/

Closet Homosexual 16/09/20(Tue)09:10 No. 105125 ID: ab8524

Any idea on who are these cocks from? I've seen them on xhamster and tumblr but couldn't find any names anywhere

shemales federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:37 No. 105149 ID: 671368

https://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg como sellama la modelo

shemales federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:37 No. 105150 ID: 671368

https://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg como sellama la modelo

shemales>> Closet Homosexual 12/06/13(Wed)00:42 No. 75229 ID: f0f88 federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:42 No. 105151 ID: 671368

https://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg como sellama la modelo

sexybeautyful traps federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:48 No. 105152 ID: 671368

como sellaman las modeloshttps://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg

sexybeautyful traps federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:51 No. 105153 ID: 671368

como sellaman las modeloshttps://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg

sexybeautyful traps federicojuanvekic 16/09/22(Thu)09:52 No. 105154 ID: 671368

como sellaman las modeloshttps://7chan.org/di/src/13395409439.jpg

Closet Homosexual 16/09/23(Fri)02:29 No. 105160 ID: ebc80e

File 147459055598.jpg - (83.11KB , 500x666 , 135292436121.jpg )

source plz

Closet Homosexual 16/09/23(Fri)22:36 No. 105164 ID: e56d22

Can i get an ID on the girl in this video?

Closet Homosexual 16/09/29(Thu)23:01 No. 105199 ID: f3731a

File 147518291678.jpg - (39.82KB , 382x465 , ss+(2016-09-29+at+12_04_18).jpg )

Found out her name is Pink Bubble, does anyone know if she has another alt name, or where she does her cams?

Who is this hottie? Closet Homosexual 16/09/30(Fri)03:59 No. 105200 ID: 84bc9e

Does anyone know who this is and where I can find more?


Closet Homosexual 16/10/06(Thu)02:18 No. 105236 ID: 108f8f

File 147571311271.jpg - (128.46KB , 736x552 , 2d17bf51238e091cf3646f7e0a6946c4.jpg )

anyone knows who are these traps???

Closet Homosexual 16/10/09(Sun)06:37 No. 105248 ID: 24a948


Does no one know where more of her videos are? Lovebird94 seems to have disappeared apart from this and ones behind 30s previews and then upstore paywall

Closet Homosexual 16/10/11(Tue)07:53 No. 105268 ID: e56d22

A bunch of neckbeards doxed lovebird and outed her as an escort so she packed up shop and left the internet.

Closet Homosexual 16/10/12(Wed)15:07 No. 105280 ID: e6142d

Anyone know who this is?

Closet Homosexual 16/10/19(Wed)06:05 No. 105300 ID: 780049

she used to go by princess delight, but spelled it weird, like prncsdlight or something (so you'll have to play around with the name to find stuff), vid is pretty old, haven't seen her in a while.

I need to find this girl MelCD 16/10/19(Wed)19:10 No. 105302 ID: d3ab75

Found this beauty a few days ago, will be eternally grateful for any info, links or names. She's just stunning...




Closet Homosexual 16/10/26(Wed)00:42 No. 105335 ID: cb9956

anyone can confirm if this is a trap?


Closet Homosexual 16/10/27(Thu)13:11 No. 105352 ID: b4c674

You wish :P

Closet Homosexual 16/10/30(Sun)19:30 No. 105369 ID: b126c6

File 147785222711.jpg - (276.63KB , 698x1269 , QMBXcIu.jpg )

anyone one knows whos this??

Closet Homosexual 16/10/30(Sun)21:32 No. 105370 ID: 154c50

File 147785955535.jpg - (143.69KB , 620x827 , 1421100409497.jpg )

ID please

any saucey suace? Misha 16/11/03(Thu)23:14 No. 105394 ID: efcb78

File 147821124780.jpg - (41.22KB , 540x720 , 2035731826.jpg )

I don't remember where I found this but I need to find out whether or not its a video or pic set, also just her name

Closet Homosexual 16/11/11(Fri)19:04 No. 105450 ID: 1d0970

I'm not sure if this has been posted here already, but for who don't know this tgirl, make sure to do it right now. Her site has some awesome videos free.


Closet Homosexual 16/11/12(Sat)13:25 No. 105455 ID: ea225d

File 147895352238.jpg - (350.58KB , 1800x1083 , 1469804433255.jpg )

I found this a few months ago. Need to know who.

Closet Homosexual 16/11/13(Sun)20:51 No. 105465 ID: d10853

File 147906670832.jpg - (93.27KB , 897x899 , Tiffany Hopkins.jpg )

she be Tiffany Hopkins

Closet Homosexual 16/11/14(Mon)14:18 No. 105468 ID: f56d1a

File 147912952048.jpg - (181.00KB , 967x766 , shemale_99886440_thumb.jpg )

anyone know who this is, or what her screenname is?

Closet Homosexual 16/11/15(Tue)00:45 No. 105469 ID: e56d22

That's Lianna Lawson

Closet Homosexual 16/11/18(Fri)02:10 No. 105488 ID: b430d1

File 147943140855.jpg - (192.55KB , 1080x1349 , 11939551_128973254164453_2058837593_n.jpg )

who is this 'crossplayer'?

JuneSnowPaw - 'Premium videos' BRB 16/11/20(Sun)21:27 No. 105506 ID: 15d61e

So, JuneSnowPaw posted up two so called 'premium' videos and is selling the full videos for $40, which I think is waaaaaaaay too steep. Does anyone actually have the full versions of them and would be willing to share them?

Closet Homosexual 16/11/24(Thu)07:02 No. 105517 ID: 446c15

Who is this TILF again?

Closet Homosexual 16/11/25(Fri)03:43 No. 105521 ID: fc30f2

Who dis?

Kaya Closet Homosexual 16/11/27(Sun)12:49 No. 105528 ID: 9f4c95

Got her Tumblr already, but anyone have her old nsfw pics from her 4chan days?

Closet Homosexual 16/11/29(Tue)06:09 No. 105538 ID: fa0e81

Does anyone know who this is? Would love to see more of her too..


Closet Homosexual 16/12/04(Sun)22:01 No. 105543 ID: 24a3ea

Name please!! Found these and more on here a few years ago.

Closet Homosexual 16/12/04(Sun)22:06 No. 105544 ID: 24a3ea

>>105538 That's lovebird94

Closet Homosexual 16/12/09(Fri)15:05 No. 105560 ID: b430d1

Can anyone id this ts??

Closet Homosexual 16/12/22(Thu)08:02 No. 105641 ID: 4c0f7a

File 14823901195.png - (0.99MB , 1427x803 , Screen Shot 2016-12-22 at 12_09_33 AM.png )

Anyone know who this is?


Closet Homosexual 16/12/22(Thu)16:22 No. 105647 ID: f73052

Kira Crash and Sydney Farron in Band Nerd Student Gets Banged By Teacher

Closet Homosexual 17/01/01(Sun)20:37 No. 105670 ID: ac79d7

anyone have any info?


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