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OP!T1tXaJv9os 18/06/11(Mon)00:58 No. 25599 ID: 2f48ee


>references Waiting For Godot

I see you're a man of taste as well.

I'm working on the next update, but the creative juices aren't flowing, so it's slow going. It'll come. Like all good things, it'll be worth the wait.

SRO 18/06/12(Tue)06:55 No. 25602 ID: f7d3f6

That's fine, OP, don't try to run ahead of the muse. We'll be here.

Anonymous 18/06/13(Wed)22:49 No. 25607 ID: 8eaae7

You probably don't need it OP, but I'll be happy to come up with ideas and stuff. Though I understand if you would feel it wouldn't be your own work anymore too

Anonymous 18/07/08(Sun)07:06 No. 25690 ID: 6d0371

summer bump of love <3

Anonymous 18/07/12(Thu)00:52 No. 25698 ID: 9f007d

Was that an offer?

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