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Vulpes Inculta 20/03/14(Sat)19:25 No. 27899 ID: ab2a95

File 158421034836.jpg - (183.28KB , 927x1200 , 95453ef772a82fb50d7eebfbcb3617d8.jpg )

This; actually, if you have *any* arania donation art, I'd appreciate it. I know I grabbed a few sets back in the day, but I ended up nuking them.

(I'm building an tf-artist archive thing, is why; know it's tit-for-tat here so check link for an ang/abe backup - https://pastebin.com/xGURGRtx. PB'd to reduce crawlers; will be deleting share in a couple days outta consideration for author/artist.)

Would include their free stuff too but I'm currently WiP on conditioning that to my current standards/getting related stories sorted with each other.

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