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Vulpes Inculta 20/07/04(Sat)15:37 No. 28118 ID: 2f0659



Vulpes Inculta 20/08/16(Sun)18:37 No. 28172 ID: 715c26

File 159759587887.jpg - (220.26KB , 1415x2000 , 008.jpg )

Bumping this thread.

let's not let it die...

Vulpes Inculta 20/08/17(Mon)23:51 No. 28173 ID: 1a4f49


Excellent Idea !

Vulpes Inculta 20/08/17(Mon)23:57 No. 28174 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/17(Mon)23:59 No. 28175 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/18(Tue)00:00 No. 28176 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/18(Tue)00:02 No. 28177 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/18(Tue)00:03 No. 28178 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/18(Tue)00:04 No. 28179 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/18(Tue)00:06 No. 28181 ID: 1a4f49


Vulpes Inculta 20/08/22(Sat)00:07 No. 28182 ID: e9d4f0

File 159804766198.jpg - (543.89KB , 2413x2443 , 1_by_sangaj_kravato-dcpvcv5.jpg )

Really want to save this thread

Vulpes Inculta 20/08/22(Sat)00:09 No. 28183 ID: e9d4f0

File 159804777262.jpg - (93.33KB , 753x1061 , lycandope1_by_sangaj_kravato_dcruk2i-pre.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 20/08/25(Tue)04:23 No. 28187 ID: 1463df

File 159832221588.jpg - (306.58KB , 800x1067 , d226934a464a732e14374c90af72a6f8.jpg )

Silly question but... where did guys like Zekey66, Silverbulletproof, and Joseph1105 go? They disappeared and I can't help but feel nastolgic when I see their stuff...

Vulpes Inculta 20/08/25(Tue)04:27 No. 28188 ID: 1463df

Is there anywhere left to go to find more of what they'd done. Besides Silverbulletproof who left everything intact, Joseph1105 only has an e621 page left and other galleries on assorted sites, and zekey/gnarlton66 deleted everything, transformal is left but that's barely the surface of what he had made...

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/02(Wed)11:44 No. 28191 ID: fd8c70

Did Navajas delete his old stuff on FA or something? I can't find those two on his page.

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/08(Tue)06:34 No. 28193 ID: dc81fb

There is a manga involving a schoolboy getting turned into a girl, then an ant, then having sex with two other freaky insect guys. Does anyone have it or know what it’s called? Please halp.

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/10(Thu)17:27 No. 28194 ID: e72b52

Does anyone have the color copy of Lobo Leo's Becoming Wolves? Here's the black and white for anyone that is interested.

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/14(Mon)04:48 No. 28195 ID: 59b802


Vulpes Inculta 20/09/14(Mon)04:55 No. 28196 ID: 59b802


I tried looking but will need more information to narrow search down some:

1. When you say "School boy", do you mean like a teenager or full on child/boy? Similarly, when you say that they are turned into a girl, how drastic of a change is the focus?

2. How animalistic are said ants on the sliding scale of furries? Are they basically humans with some chitin and maybe a thorax, or are you talking full on "boy gets turned into a girl then does a giant ant"? Similarly to the first question, is it boy->girl->ant, or boy->girl ant?

3. Are you sure it's a manga/japanese work?

4. Was there any text/do you recall it being in English?

5. Do you recall how it ended?

I'm browsing e-hentai/sad panda, and the closest I'm finding is a lot of Lunate art which 'almost' fits except none of their stuff is school age (child or highschool).

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/14(Mon)09:43 No. 28197 ID: 78a40e

I think you may be thinking of Harihone Saizou's hot house.

Donation Art Monstermaster13 20/09/19(Sat)04:00 No. 28202 ID: 1c9ca1

File 160048083217.png - (84.54KB , 365x436 , sssssssssa.png )

I am looking for years 11, 12, and years 10, 9 and 8 from Arania's donation art page.

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/21(Mon)02:57 No. 28212 ID: 1d9866

By chance. Would anyone have the "Disney Transformation" Part 2 & 3 by chronorin?

Sharing of Archive tj532317 20/09/23(Wed)19:27 No. 28215 ID: e84a48

Hello, any chance you can share your archive with me, I can share mine as well if you would like.

Vulpes Inculta 20/09/25(Fri)20:42 No. 28216 ID: 8d9975

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Vulpes Inculta 20/09/25(Fri)22:35 No. 28217 ID: cc7b56

File 160106612996.jpg - (168.20KB , 850x850 , ffbcd1353c1c51d2b9010e99fae36787.jpg )

If I could get some help, I'm looking for werewolf tf story I saw years ago on deviantart, its about a woman who comes back home to her apartment, she looks through her window and starts transforming into a werewolf , about halfway through the tf she grows a penis and the the transformation finsishes - next her friend hears her grunts from inside her apartment and goes in to check on her. When her friend enters the apartment the werewolf pounces on her- the main character werewolf mates with the friend,and she turns into a werewolf too, I beleive the story had an image attached to it of a grey sort of werewolf on all fours looking up with a grin - in a dark apartment - with sort of a bluish tint to the shadows- you can see the large window and the moon shining through it and the image looks more like an edited photo manip than an illustration. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

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