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Anonymous 10/01/08(Fri)01:36 No. 68956 ID: e72fe1

how does wget work? tried using the code. then it tells me to add --no-check-certificate.

And when it starts to download, it just downloads the index file, then deletes it at finished download

Anonymous 10/01/08(Fri)08:58 No. 68975 ID: 4e4c06




Anonymous 10/01/08(Fri)12:05 No. 68982 ID: d74395

http not https in your URL?

A typical pony 10/01/09(Sat)03:57 No. 69028 ID: 8bd6dd

Hay guise, heres a super dirty script i banged up under the influence of bourbon(one of those the fuck did i do last night? moments) uses aria2 for delicious multi-threaded downloading.

echo Link? && read LINK && sleep 1
echo Dir? && read DIR
list=$(wget -q -O - ${LINK} |grep .jpg |grep -v thumb |sed 's/<a target="_blank" href="//g' |sed 's/">//g' )
clean=$(printf "%s\n" "$list" |grep -v html |egrep '(jpg)|(gif)' |sed 's/using filter(s): .jpg//g' |sed 's/https/http/g' |sed 's/using filter(s): .gif//g' |awk '!x[$0]++' > /tmp/list01.txt)

aria2c -j 8 -s 2 -d ${DIR} -i /tmp/list01.txt |grep "Download complete:"

(set the -j 8 -s 2 to lower numbers [4,1] if you feel like being kinder to the servers)

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