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Anonymous 23/12/19(Tue)02:07 No. 825303

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Anyone ever experience waking up while dreaming? That shit feels creepy as airwolf. What the airwolf did i eat?

Lorf 23/12/19(Tue)09:38 No. 825308

I think that's probably happened to everyone at one point or another to be honest.

N3X15 23/12/19(Tue)21:46 No. 825315

I had a few weird ones where I pulled my head away from a dream event and it basically turned into a video I was watching on my cellphone as I turn my head

Anonymous 24/01/23(Tue)15:09 No. 826246

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There was a summer, when I was on my late 20's, where I had a reoccurring dream. In the dream I would be using a public restroom to go #2. But before I was able to sit down, but after I locked the stall door, I would remind myself to put a condom on my flaccid penis. I told myself that was "for my protection."

4chan user 24/01/24(Wed)05:17 No. 826247

4 U guys that R star trek fans : the BELL RIOTS - 09 27 2024 ds9

h 24/01/24(Wed)21:31 No. 826255

Twice, that I can recall, I have awoken from a dream so intense I came to very alert in a near manic state. As I raced about trying to make sense of what I had experienced in my sleep something bizarre happened.

In the first episode my cat suddenly changed into a panther and then a horse right in my living room. The next time my closet door opened to a large sunny vista. Both times I thought, I am awake so this can't be happening but it is happening so I must not be awake. I was thrilled and did my best to stay lucid in the dream.

The first time it seemed that the dream went on for a while and I don't remember much other than manifesting Tiffani Thiessen for a dicking. It was only briefly awesome as I couldn't seem to register her internal temp or wetness on my meat thermometer and if I spent any amount of time watching our loins make macaroni sounds, I would look up to see she had morphed into someone that was not quite her. Overall, it was frustrating, and I wouldn't recommend using lucid dream time like that. 4/10

The next time, when I saw the vista, I decided I wanted to fly and off I took to the sky. I concentrated on just flying, letting the environment be whatever it was going to be, until I got to a point where I could stop, levitate, and move around like a superhero. I flew through forests and mountains, cities I have lived in, places I have vacationed, finally moving about a hyper realistic Fallout 4 world until all of the sudden I was out of the air and below ground in the Institute. One of the scientists said something to me and I replied, I want to be flying instead of in here... but since I can't do that, I am going to wake up now. And I did. 10/10

He-Man 24/01/25(Thu)11:50 No. 826264

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Sleep paralysis i saw something come into the living room as i was sleeping on the sofa and the black figure looked at me with white eyes and i felt such rage at the creature that it left, i don't know WTF happened but thats my story

Closet Furry 24/01/25(Thu)17:20 No. 826271

You mean like sleepwalking or a recursive dream? I've had the latter a few times and it was nuts. I'll paste the last one I had from my dream journal:

I had one of those recursive matryoshka-doll-type dreams last night. I was a reporter for an AM conspiracy talk radio show, was doing some investigation at this hotel in town. Don't remember what I was investigating though. Anyway, it gets late and I decide to head home for the night, but while driving around my neighborhood I find that my apartment is nowhere to be found. The building simply isn't there. There wasn't even an empty lot or something in its place, the house numbers just go from mine-2 to mine+2. Not to mention the buildings looked way different from the way they ought to look.

That's when I thought I must be dreaming, so I woke up and tried to get back to sleep. But I couldn't. So I decide to start walking around my place a bit until I realize, this isn't my place. I'm still dreaming. So I wake up again.

I found myself in my actual room this time around. Checked my phone, it was about 5:30, and so I laid there hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep. Then my alarm immediately goes off. I'm STILL dreaming. So I wake up.

I check my phone again and notice it's not the actual time I'm supposed to be up. My alarm goes off at 8. It reads 7. Yep, I'm not done dreaming. This goes on for about 2 or 3 more runs, my phone reading a different time for each one, until I wake up for real, 20 minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off. At which point I just laid there in a tired slump until it was time to get up.

Spiderman 24/03/20(Wed)21:10 No. 827097

I smoke way to much weed to dream. I haven't had a single dream in over a decade.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/03/20(Wed)22:22 No. 827101

I really like your dream, it makes sense btw, it's like public restrooms could be full of aids and shit, so you could probably get stds from there

He-Man 24/03/21(Thu)06:02 No. 827114

Americans would shrug if the government decreed that everyone must wear purple caps, but Americans would lose their minds if Walmart said every customer must wear purple hats.

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