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Brony 24/01/06(Sat)17:49 No. 825774

File 170455977833.jpg - (12.72KB , 316x172 , hispanic voters.jpg )

If B1den loses his Supreme Court case for Colorado does that prove that B1den can be impeached for trying to overturn our democracy in Colorado and in Maine?

(They have names. Biden and Trump.)

Weeabot 24/01/06(Sat)19:33 No. 825777

technically all charges levied are meant to be probationary and not a cause or sign of guilt, so yes, and yes, because of the treason he should as well

Bill 24/01/06(Sat)22:12 No. 825779

Ah yes, Fox "News". Cause you know they are totally reliable on their sources and have NEVER once blatantly lied on air...multiple times...almost constantly.

ian 24/01/07(Sun)01:39 No. 825780

Nigger, what exactly do you believe? Some bullshit about people from Judah I imagine

Weeabot 24/01/07(Sun)05:26 No. 825781

"B1den" didn't have anything to do with the cases.
It's not "his" Supreme Court case.
Those are state-level cases, and only brought to the federal Supreme Court because the parties involved were not satisfied with the lower courts' rulings and the federal Supreme Court accepted the case.

When did 7chan become a den of morons?

Liru Fanboy 24/01/07(Sun)18:20 No. 825782

Yes, clearly the "Demo crats" have nothing to do with trying to bar :nigra: from running for president and lowering taxes again. It's racist to say that

OP 24/01/07(Sun)21:02 No. 825785

:nigra: :kfc:

Christian Weston Chandler 24/01/08(Mon)01:18 No. 825786

they run this site guaranteed

4chan user 24/01/08(Mon)03:42 No. 825787

I, Donald J :nigra:, in a joint partnership with Joseph R :kfc: Jr. own 7chan Inc, as well as all of its subsidiaries.

Conductor Cat 24/01/08(Mon)22:24 No. 825795

KFC niggers make my schizofriendia act up bad

Christian Weston Chandler 24/01/09(Tue)19:13 No. 825813

Get a load of that lousy, good-for-nothing Joe Baden, trying to change his name to conceal where he's from! Good for nothing red-flag flying Joe Stalin :kfc:!

Moot 24/01/10(Wed)14:19 No. 825836

You fa‍‍ggots are now aware of the zero-width joiner.

ian 24/01/12(Fri)15:08 No. 825868

:nigra: :kfc:

Conductor Cat 24/03/31(Sun)18:13 No. 827230

January was such a simpler time. Make America Great Like January 2024.

tee 24/03/31(Sun)18:39 No. 827231

Aw :( I guess there was no basis for a charge to remove him from the ballots... :/
I guess that means... well, haha, I guess it means that the corrupt left was trying to persecute their political enemy :( and remove him from the ballots?
So their master plan was to make it so nobody (you and me) can vote for their favorite president? Aw. But I guess the little supreme court decided that the left was trying to tear apart our democracy :>/ because they can't just remove their oponent from the ballots... so the supreme court said we have the right to vote for him (donald) even though the left tried to take away our right to vote for him (donald), because they want to make it so we can only vote for one person (joe robinette b) because he is their puppet who does whatever they say so they want him in the office not (donald) but unfortunatley the supreme court has ruled that we have the right to vote :( for whoever we want, even if the democrats don't like them >:(

Cryomancer 24/04/03(Wed)04:41 No. 827253

you don't have a democracy. stop watching TV. do something else. politics don't matter, it's just airwolfing NFL for millenials.

Moot 24/04/03(Wed)16:42 No. 827257


The only winning move is to not play at all.

Moot 24/04/04(Thu)14:53 No. 827266

That case was brought by Republicans, and they already lost.

Soup-brained shit stains like you are going to be the death of the country you pretend to love.

tee 24/04/21(Sun)03:41 No. 827440

It's always been a den of morons. Some are just louder lately.

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