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Spider Expert 24/02/21(Wed)16:01 No. 826639

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>Just being stupid

https ://www.ndtv.com/world-news/was-just-being-stupid-kansas-super-bowl-parade-shooter-to-cops-5099556/amp/1

I understand you may be quick to say nig‍gers gonna nig, but to be honest I don't think that accurately sums up what happened here. Note the attitude: it isn't remorse for the person he killed, or the people who were injured, or the incident he caused. This is the regret expressed by a child caught breaking a rule when they knew better. He knew better, and he only feels as bad about it as a kid who expects a hug after his scolding.

This is the shape of things to come, and it won't only be black people doing the deadly.

This is the result of decades of infantilization and weaponization of American society.

A whole nation of people are growing up with no common sense, semi-autos in their waistbands, active shooter drills in their schools and accommodated grades that pass the most brain-dead retar‍ds into mainstream society.

It's over, friends. This is how the American experiment ends: with a bang and a whimper.

Sonichu 24/02/22(Thu)03:58 No. 826652

bro they're sports fans. they could be culled in mass and nothing of value would be lost.

W. T. Snacks 24/02/22(Thu)10:05 No. 826657

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Niggers are stupid so he aint exactly lying.

p4ch3c0 24/02/22(Thu)12:29 No. 826658

To be fair, Americans have a ling history of keeping blacks out of schools. They even proudly recorded it on video. So there is that.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/02/22(Thu)13:19 No. 826659

Not going to dispute that.

It would certainly resolve overpopulation for a long time.

I just don't think this level of (un)intelligence and lack of emotional development is any longer confined to repressed minorities.

Yes, they were stunted, either by design or by simple disdain, but now all the schools are shit.

Look what's been going on the last twenty years.

Statistically speaking, America is dumb as airwolf, has all the empathy of an diesel engine, and the attention span of a brain-damaged goldfish.

On top of that, people are more armed than ever.

This shitstorm isn't going to get better.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/02/22(Thu)14:50 No. 826660

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So give good people guns. Encourage good people to bring their sidearms to church. Give a benefit to those teachers who undergo training to properly carry a firearm in schools.

You are correct. A whole generation is growing up with no or limited consequences and it's becoming more lucrative to break the law. DAs and government officials are encouraging it because of their policies. The president just canceled another round of student loans bringing that total up to 138 billion dollars. This is just encouraging bad behavior, punishing those who did the right thing and buying the vote from an important voting demographic.

As for other violence and "thuggery" we need to reimpose strict harsh sentences for violent offenders. Locally, a town in one of the states that I live wasted time trying to remove a old law that hasn't been used in 20 years relating to highway "chain gangs" because it was deemed too hard work and public humiliation. We need to bring back community service for criminals.

I don't know of this kind of radical shift can swing the pendulum the other way but I encourage all the good people here to do what you have to do to keep the people you love safe and to prosper.

tee 24/02/22(Thu)14:55 No. 826661

I forgot to add, the more good people with firearms who aren't afraid or punished by using them, the more of a deterrent it will be for the criminals. It will take alot of time, but it's the only way I can think of to prevent a good majority of violent crime. The worst thing you can do is what they are doing, using mass shootings as an excuse to take guns away from good people.

poe 24/02/22(Thu)16:22 No. 826663

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Homicide 24/02/22(Thu)19:22 No. 826667

So the wild west on a modern urban scale? The NRA wet dream solution? Im sure that will clear all this up in no time.

Thank you for providing an in real-airwolfing-time example of the educational system of this country failing us. Go back to jerking off to videos of Kyle Rittenhouse and leave us alone.

Bob Ross 24/02/22(Thu)20:22 No. 826669

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Yes. Responsible gun owners should not be afraid to protect their home, place of business, or place of public worship. Why do you really want to take away law abiding citizens rights to carry a firearm? So that criminals who will get firearms or any weapon one way or another will be more confident they won't get any resistance when they commit their crimes? Yes, I am rehashing age old arguments that I wholly believe will work over a length of time.

What do you think we should do? Ok, you've said we've created this nation where the youth has no common sense, has active shooter drills which is a result of rampant crime and even mental instability relating to the things we exposed the youth towards the last twenty years. OK, like every generation, everyone says things keep getting worse and the nation is going to "hell in a handbasket". You obviously don't have the answers and want to vent. That's fine, but I will tell you what I won't do... I won't give up my constitutional rights in one of many power grabbing moves by influenced lawmakers created "to save peoples lives" and "for the greater good" when very often they are undermining the freedoms and prosperity they swore an oath to protect.

Get our government to actually punish criminals, secure our border, vet all illegal immigrants, (part of the crime issue), deport those who didnt go through the proper channels, protect your loved ones and the community and don't let anyone chip away your constitutional rights in the name of the greater good, terrorism or XYZ.

I'm out. Have a nice thread! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

herp 24/02/22(Thu)21:19 No. 826670

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Going to school doesnt really make you smart these days so that excuse doesnt hold up.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/22(Thu)22:55 No. 826672

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>Encourage good people to bring their sidearms to church.
lirufag is a literal :nigra: nigger
ok I've had enough, now it is official this shithole is not only dead it has been buried for years and there's only maggots remaining
sad really

poe 24/02/22(Thu)23:29 No. 826673

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Spider Expert 24/02/23(Fri)00:14 No. 826674

you got lost on your way to church queer? Go pray you absolute homo subhuman

Optimus Prime 24/02/23(Fri)01:53 No. 826676

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I'm seriously shocked you stuck around this long, how do faggots like you keep ending up here? Did you get banned from all your usual shitholes?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/02/23(Fri)08:33 No. 826684

The only alternatives to the wild west are strawberryed half measures where a person committing a crime in public is likely the only guy in a mile carrying a gun, or completely cucking society and making everyone cattle.

The state with the lowest homicide rate in the country is new hamshire, which allows open carry without a license.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/23(Fri)14:45 No. 826694

>The state with the lowest homicide rate in the country is new hamshire, which allows open carry without a license.
if you're looking for examples of a civil society, you might as well stop looking for them in a third world country

ian 24/02/23(Fri)14:47 No. 826695

this place was good once, now all that is left is posing faggots like you, absolutely disgusting

Liru Fanboy 24/02/23(Fri)15:26 No. 826696

It is very sad to see you taking a side, let alone this one, but I understand the pressure every resident of the US is under to take one. You don't even exist if you don't join the identity politics sham.

The primary failure of the "good guy with a gun" fallacy is the assumption that people can be good.

People are inherently not good. Even if one has the purest of hearts and the best of intentions, mistakes happen.

Very few people who own a firearm and are capable of using it to harm another person, even justifiably, are such high-minded pillars of humanity. They have bias, they have hate, they have fear, and greed, and jealousy, and every other flaw that has ever led one human being to harm another other than in self defense.

We simply aren't that good, and guns make us worse. People do the dumbest shit because they think just being armed will keep them safe, or they turn to violence to solve problems before giving anything else a chance.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a right to defend yourself or that deadly force is never necessary to do so. We're never getting rid of the second amendment and we don't have to.

What we need is to bind ownership to militia membership as it was intended: militias could offer the training, counseling, and community support we need to be better than we are now.

4chan user 24/02/23(Fri)15:42 No. 826697

the militia is an interesting point, specifically cause some crazy dudes might want to airwolf with an armed dude, but very few people will want to airwolf with a whole armed milita

but then again, same problem that applies to non perfect human beans applies to non perfect militias

Steve 24/02/23(Fri)16:26 No. 826698

Avoid militias, they suffer from groupthink and always become a cult. That is and always has been thier fundamental weakness.

And all the fags.

derp 24/02/23(Fri)16:45 No. 826699

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I think that people are inherently flawed and mistakes will happen. That's inevitable. I have faith in the police to help keep me safe, but not completely. They can't be everywhere. I would be all for a standardized course or some kind of formal education to be able to own and use a firearm. It's a slippery slope in some ways though because as you implied, people and agencies can be corrupted and even weaponized. Felons should probably not be allowed to own guns. Where this "right" area is that is the ideal compromise of freedom and public safety is constantly under debate. I just think it's leaning a bit more now towards "public safety" when in actuality all these laws are contributing to the opposite of that. Can we perhaps get back to actually punishing those who commit crimes? Harsh sentences can be a deterrent to certain people.

As for your sadness, I made a choice the last few months to start having an opinion on more things here. I knew that talking politics and especially choosing a side to any polarizing debate would immediately change what half of the population here thought about me. I decided to do it anyways. For more years than I can remember since I was quite young here, I always tried to be upbeat and say and do simple things and bring up simple subjects to make people happy. If I ever did comment on something, I tried to not choose sides or just swing the conversation into something positive. I've done this for so many years. I guess I felt like I needed to change some. I'm sorry if that makes you think different of me. It shouldn't in an ideal world, but as you said, we are all inherently not good or as I would phrase it, flawed. I am always trying to be a better person but I will never be a perfect person.

Novice Equestrian 24/02/23(Fri)17:15 No. 826700

I really hate that current society defends and protects the violent atrocities and acts of one segment of society, even to the point of hiding their race, while condemning everyone else's actions. Yeah, it's a airwolfed up time for sure and the whole "victim vs oppressor" thing has got to go!

Marisa Kirisame 24/02/23(Fri)17:20 No. 826701

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Anyone else having an issue this morning creating threads? I want to do my moon post but all I am getting is a blank screen or error.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/02/23(Fri)17:40 No. 826704

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nope no trouble. No trouble deleting it either!

p4ch3c0 24/02/23(Fri)18:51 No. 826705

I called u a :nigra: nigger, but this post u just made is mad qt
look, the side you chose and the """""""debate"""""" you chose is fully in the scope of many interests and I bet if the actual truth of this kind of debate and most specifically the interests beh9nd it and the several intelligence agencies trying to turn the tide to one place or the other, we would all trip balls

Internet nowdays is all kinds of airwolfed, deeply, it is very saddening actually, and with AI if it hasn't already now, it'll get worse

So anyways I'm tired of that bullshit and seeing you walk into it really tripped me off.

Anyways it is complicated

Miku Fanboy 24/02/23(Fri)21:19 No. 826711


Now we know where feline AIDS came from.

zeneslev 24/02/24(Sat)01:10 No. 826718

This is indeed one of the reasons to bring back the militia membership requirment.

A well-organized group with a code of ethics is a much greater force than a single "good guy with a gun".

Imagine someone starts popping off in a supermarket, as usual, but then someone shouts "Militia, threat on aisle ten" and six or seven people take positions, guns drawn.

Is an active shooter going to keep it up with no way out?

Also: let me point out that I am keenly aware that I am describing the work of the police, I simply don't expect them to do it.

Those are the militias we have today. Ignored by their local goverments, let to run amok and recruit nazis and successionists. We could have better militias.

I propose the militias regulate their members, and the states regulate their militias.

I'm imagining a statewide organization that would have monthly meetings (mandatory attendance perhaps once a year), be required to provide various weapons training courses (which is also a source of self-funding), with a certain minimum for gun owners to complete within their first year of ownership.

This organization would have a liaison with the state police, a liaison with the national guard, and be accountable to the governor.

I would hope that, in time, states could offload the responsibility of regulating their local gun control to these militias as well: have the militia be responsible for licensing vendors, certifying owners, deciding whether open or concealed carry is best for the public, etc. while the state controls the overall industry by regulating manufacturing and imports.

I appreciate that you make an effort to converse about it. This sets you far apart from many who hold similar views. As >>826705 points out, choosing debate has become a rarity in American society.

As for punishing criminals, the US has one of the largest incarcerated populations in the world, both per capita and the simple number of people in jail or prison.

What we aren't doing is punishing the people responsible: How did criminals get those guns? Where did they come from? The whole chain needs to be held accountable. If it's black market arms dealers, put them away forever, if it's a pawn shop that got robbed, take away its owner's license to sell firearms until better security measures are in place, if its a private citizen who "lost" their gun, put them in jail for at least half the sentence of the person who used it in a crime, if they obtained their weapon legitimately, then the regulations are not sufficient and must be tightened.

Gun ownership needs to be taken much more seriously. Instead of responding to each new travesty with the same tired arguments and lack of action, we ought to be doing something every time, whatever it may be, to reduce the possibility that this event will reoccur.

Unfortunately, there are far too many people, backed by a lot of bribery, who would rather kill every chance of having this conversation on terribly outdated ideological grounds.

zeneslev 24/02/24(Sat)03:58 No. 826719

New Hampshire homicide rates are on par with cucked countries like Canada

r000t 24/02/24(Sat)20:48 No. 826732

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>I'm imagining....

That's about as far as you culty folks get. You crave structure, hierarchy, and belonging. Go join the Elks, drink, and watch sports with your buddies. You can even smoke inside at all the Elks Lodges I've been to. Host a Boy Scout troop, adopt a highway, ride your lawnmower in a parade. Find a hunting buddy. Buy a big truck.

This is the reality of what you actually want. This will be your reality, where it settles out.

p4ch3c0 24/02/25(Sun)02:29 No. 826735

But, but....the leftist, socialist islamofacist, woke, lgbtq, Antifa, BLM army is coming for muh guns! MUH GUUUUUUUNS!!!!

Sazpaimon 24/02/25(Sun)03:30 No. 826736

Or, you know, maybe I am advocating for legislative action that actually makes a difference in the death toll for once, but sure, go right ahead and have your debate-destroying tangent.


symbion 24/03/21(Thu)06:49 No. 827116

Americans laugh and say everyone in jail should be executed, but what will you say when you get arrested for buying a gun, using hate speech, remaining silent, or owning a stove?

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