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PrettyPony 24/04/23(Tue)00:20 No. 827465

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Hiya 7chan! ヾ(*'▽'*)

Spring has sprung! It's the Full Pink Moon! This moon will become full tommorow night April 22 at 7:49 EST. The name Pink Moon comes from a wildflower "Pink moss phlox" that frequently appears during this time in North America. The weather has been warming up and generally pretty nice without too much early heat. We don't want summer to come too soon right?

Things are doing pretty well for me. I will be leaving for Japan on May 2nd and I return on June 1. So lots of time to stay active and see alot of sights. Also, take advantage of that really weak yen! 155 yen/$1! I plan to walk parts of the Nakasendo Trail and visit many onsens, shrines and the usual touristy stuff. I'd love to hear any neat places you've visited or reccomendations you may have. Also, yep. That means the next Full Moon update will be from Japan. Sorry in advance if it's off or kinda quirky.

The weather looks good to have a nice viewing this month. I hope it also is for you! (人>U<) Have a great night! ❤️


r000t 24/04/23(Tue)21:53 No. 827480

can you make moon cycles go every 3+ months? thanks

Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/24(Wed)10:13 No. 827484

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Will the moon look different while you are in japan, like more kawaii looking since you will be seeing it from there?

4chan user 24/04/24(Wed)14:40 No. 827485

I know, sometimes when weather is sucky I would just prefer it just be longer between the full moons over knowing I missed it.

Good question! I don't know ┐(゚ ~゚ )┌ I'll be arriving at 1pm so my first indication the sky may be different is if the sun looks like the rising sun flag.

Spiderman 24/04/24(Wed)22:23 No. 827487

I hope you get jumped in the onsen for being a gaijin bitch and then gang raped and trafficked by the yakuza and never see anyone you love again

ian 24/04/25(Thu)10:17 No. 827491

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If that happens then we wont get any more moon info stuff from the liru poster.
Think before you speak.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/04/26(Fri)21:27 No. 827502

heheh, sadly I don't see that happening

Miku Fanboy 24/04/26(Fri)21:47 No. 827503

because you've been infantilized by pop culture into thinking japan is harmless and things like that don't happen but that's something they're aware of and will prey upon

ian 24/04/27(Sat)18:13 No. 827511

I saw the full moon! It was big and yellow but in a strange place in the sky so I had to stand in the street near my neighbor's house to see it.
Hope you enjoy Japan and avoid those frighteningly big centipedes!

That being said...

You are a glass sorting idiot. Stay out of Liru threads, you aren't welcome or appreciated. Much like in your real life.

OP 24/04/28(Sun)01:07 No. 827515

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Errr... Thanks for your concern about my safety in Japan. I don't have much fear of violence. It is a very safe country but yeah totally it's good to always have your wits with you. I am a little concerned about unintentional faux pas and I am going to be doing some local clothes shopping the day after I get in. Not just to have a nice wardrobe to better fit in the country, but for souvineers to take home! I always pack light and go clothes shopping in foreign countries if I can! I got all my measurements converted so I know what sizes to buy! ╰(▔∀▔)╯

Yeah, it's finally moved to an area I can see it where I normally sit in my living room at home. It stays like that for a few months during the summer. It's a nice reminder it's still there! Big... Centipedes? I just looked it up. I never knew that. I will keep an eye out.

Also... The exchange rate keeps getting better and is the best it's been since 1990! 💴 💴 💴

Marisa Kirisame 24/04/28(Sun)21:10 No. 827521

>visit many onsens
May I recommend Suginoi hotel in Beppu and the JR hotel in Oita.

That first image is way out of date. Japan was like that, about twenty years ago. First, there are ATMs in every convenience store and post office now; the post office ATMs are more likely to be compatible with a foreign debit card, but you should call your provider now to inform them you intended to use your card abroad before they abruptly suspend it for suspicion of fraud. Second, the whole world uses the same cellular technology these days, but international data roaming will cost you; I recommend sticking to WiFi. Third, don't bring any electronics that have to be plugged in to operate: the sockets are deceptively different (two small prongs, not one big and one small; those plugs will not fit, and no ground, btw), the voltage is low (US 110/220, JP 100/200, and different parts of the country operate on different AC frequencies. Many a tourist has been disappointed to find the special adapter they bought just for the trip failed to power their American hair dryer; odds are your hotel room provides one anyway. Fourth, nose blowing is not "extremely rude"; it is mildly disgusting, somewhat more than a loud burp and somewhat less than a fart. You may blow your nose in public and social settings so long as you make an effort to turn your face away from others and excuse yourself.

I am so excited that you will be here for Golden Week! I wonder if we will cross paths? It's unlikely, and we wouldn't recognize each other anyway, but it's fascinating to speculate.

Conductor Cat 24/04/30(Tue)01:01 No. 827538

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Thanks for the infographics! Yeah, Some of it is outdated like just a month or two ago the Gion district where geishas walk around in the back streets are supposedly now for the first time off limits to tourists because of bad behavior. I really hope people don't continue being jerk tourists. I've heard about it more and more over the years. I am learning basic words and phrases and at least trying to give it some effort. I will probably be using the instant conversation translate feature of my phone quite a bit if they don't speak English. What I fear most is being looked at as a stupid, unrespectful gaijin so I plan to be really respectful, quiet and thankful. (ノдヽ) I expect some people are going to look down towards me because of other peoples bad or careless behavior. I am going in tommorow to get my hair done so I look my best, taking new socks and trying to imagine what I should wear so my looks don't clash/wear what's appropriate and ok for restaurants/clubs, outdoors, shrines, shopping centers, on the trains etc. I know Japan is very fashion concious and also sometimes conservative and I am kind of at an in-between age so I dunno lol. I am definitely going to do some shopping the first few days.

(*ゝω・)ノThanks for the reccomendation! The resort looks nice. Very large swimming area. Will look into it when I get around kyushu. I am intentionally coming in at the very tail end of Golden Week because I hope it will be a tiny bit quieter as people will be back working and kids in school. It also gets pretty affordable until summer when the floods of tourists visit. I thought about the time of year I wanted to visit alot. I am planning to do Tokyo and Southwest to the end of Kyushu. There is only two things I want to see a little north of Tokyo but I want to save Tokyo up to Hokkaido for either this fall or another year. Yeah, I dunno about meeting up. I said if things aligned I would meet a few online friends at a Touhou bar called U.N. because they are having a convention over there at "big sight" the day of or the day before I arrive. I like Touhou I guess. It's been around forever.

This is what I anticipate I will look like after I land, buy my suica card and take the train to my hotel.
"( – ⌓ – )

symbion 24/04/30(Tue)18:00 No. 827548

hey slut, get whorish, if I'm going to see you avatarfagging nonstop at least I wanna get off on it

Optimus Prime 24/04/30(Tue)19:09 No. 827549

kys incel

Brony 24/05/01(Wed)00:16 No. 827552

oh excuseme you avatarfagging homolord enjoyer

Cryomancer 24/05/04(Sat)04:51 No. 827581

Nose blowing in public is rude everywhere, just be discreet and not a airwolfing ape. Also every 7/11 has a cash machine that takes foreign cards and can be set to multiple languages. Also many big chains now have tap 'n pay or whatever the airwolf the kikes want us using instead of cash.

Steve 24/05/04(Sat)04:51 No. 827582

Nose blowing in public is rude everywhere, just be discreet and not a airwolfing ape. Also every 7/11 has a cash machine that takes foreign cards and can be set to multiple languages. Also many big chains now have tap 'n pay or whatever the airwolf the kikes want us using instead of cash.

OP 24/05/04(Sat)05:07 No. 827585

Oh yeah, ACTUAL Japan travel advice:
-Don't go to any bars where there's persuasive / sexy/ "not very Japanese looking" (I mean nigger) touts outside trying to get you to go in. You'll at best get ripped off with masses of hidden charges. I even went into a fairly reputable-looking big izakaya once because a bloke on the street cornered me. It was huge but empty, despite being right near Ueno park on a spring evening (take this as another warning sign). I had a few beers, felt drunk and asked for water, I could taste and see the vodka swirling round in it. Paid up and left sharpish (luckily I had a reasonable bill as I was still sober and knew what I'd had).
-Cycling while drunk is as illegal as driving drunk, 6km/h rental escooters are motor vehicles and you need a licence (19kmh rental ebikes aren't though!) and jaywalking can get you in a lot of trouble. The downside of a safe country is cops with nothing to do and arrest figures to pump up for their promotions.

symbion 24/05/07(Tue)16:50 No. 827602

It's not kikes, it's the Chinese.

They are sapping financial transactions from every country in the world.

We already lost WWIII, we just didn't know it was happening.

The thing about electric bicycles and licencing is simple, but it isn't about how fast they can go.

If it can go without any human power, that's a motor vehicle covered by either a gensuki license (bikes up to 50cc) or a car license (which includes the gensuki license).

If you are required to pedal, it's an electric *assist* vehicle, and no license is required.

By the way, speaking of those bars where big African dudes drag you in, the principle location for this is Roppongi in Tokyo. Watch out, indeed. I purposely let this happen to me on one visit, and got dragged to the same empty bar three different times as the night went on. Each time my drink cost ¥1000 more than the last. In the same area there are some rocking dance clubs and bars filled to the brim with sexy young tourists and Japanese who speak English disturbingly well, but they won't have people on the street dragging you in.

The other side of this coin are in places like Kabukicho, also in Tokyo, where it's shady Japanese dudes dragging into Yakuza bars for basically the same scam, but they drug you and take you to an ATM to empty your accounts.

Homicide 24/05/07(Tue)23:45 No. 827605

>say something perceptive
>get called a strawberry by some sub-human simp bitch
I don't care if you keep dickriding this homo just know that you're a arachnologist

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