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Historian 23/01/23(Mon)00:59 No. 15624

File 167443194730.jpg - (720.06KB , 2023x2807 , 1929C7E4-8C03-4B05-A7FB-5B46DD9CFE99.jpg )

So this guy Geert Adriaans Boomgaard lived during the lifetimes of both Napoleon Bonaporte and Adolf Hitler. Almost lived to see the First World War roughly a century after he fought in the Napoleonic Wars.

So it's almost as if he lived during both reigns of Nostradamus' Anti-Christs, right?

Historian 23/01/28(Sat)15:19 No. 15627

That would explain his demeanor in the picture

Historian 23/05/17(Wed)04:49 No. 15649

>Hitler was a really bad goy
I'm no /pol/ troon, but people who actually believe this make me laugh. Yes, he is so filled with hatred and evil that he didn't eat meat, out of his sheer hatred for others. Gimme a break.

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