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/ide/ - German Insurgency
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Anonymous 13/04/14(Sun)11:31 No. 26

File 136593187449.jpg - (192.09KB , 1106x1496 , sniper.jpg )


Anonymous 13/04/14(Sun)12:53 No. 27

File 136593680660.jpg - (329.52KB , 800x1067 , baum.jpg )

was denn?

Anonymous 13/04/14(Sun)13:10 No. 28

File 136593782553.jpg - (54.88KB , 800x518 , sniper5cx.jpg )

hmmm verdächtig

Anonymous 13/04/14(Sun)13:48 No. 29

File 136594008912.jpg - (53.71KB , 340x340 , baumtarnung.jpg )

nein nein. niemand hier.

Anonymous 13/04/15(Mon)02:55 No. 40

File 13659873187.jpg - (37.87KB , 527x405 , sniper3.jpg )


Anonymous 13/04/15(Mon)21:45 No. 44

Dear David Love,

It has come to our unfortunate attention that you are a police snitch. History tells us that snitches remain so forever, they are cowards, back stabbers and rats, but you already know that being a rat yourself.

You have been using Anonymous as your PA.

davideforslund.wordpress.com raised many questions and you cannot deny that your pitiful attempt to avoid our questions have failed you.

We know:
that you were previously known as David Forslund
that you went to jail several times
that you were a drug dealer
that people died because you fed them drugs
that you were trafficking drugs out of Mexico into Canada
that you repeatedly beat your ex-wife and left her with scars
that you were fired by a company because you lied about a medical condition and profited from them
that you snitched on your friends to avoid going to jail
that you planned and executed robberies and then framed your friends
that you are a police snitch.

You, sir, claim that the cult of Scientology turned your daughter. Even if they did, the information appears to be accurate especially when you miserably failed to answer the questions thus tacitly admitting your guilt. Evidently, your daughter could not take your abuses any longer. How ironic. Isn’t that the reason people speak out against their abusers?

We are a powerful collective. This is the Internet. We are the Internet. We are not the authorities on the Internet. We are not the users either. We are its very embodiment. Your police cannot find us. You cannot defeat us. The pandemonium we are capable of unleashing will make anything else pale in comparison to the destruction we can unleash.

Tell us, Mr. Love, do the feds and any other government officials treat you differently because you are their snitch?

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

Anonymous 13/04/15(Mon)23:25 No. 46

File 136606112986.jpg - (181.26KB , 1788x1200 , G36A2.jpg )

KSK fag hier, habe gehört FirstWarMann braucht mein Gewehr !

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